Home Based Trainings

(All American Digital Shop 6 Week Workout Plan + Meal Prepping eBook)

Price: $59.48

Product Description -

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is currently one of the most popular health trends to hit the industry. The basic idea behind HIIT is simple: you alternate between periods of high intensity, such as sprinting, and periods of lower intensity such as jogging. This is a form of training that allows us to burn more calories and enjoy better health benefits in a shorter space of time compared with many other types of training. But while HIIT is a great tool for getting into shape, it’s important to recognize that it’s only as useful as the way in which you approach it. There are right and wrong ways to perform HIIT and a lot of people make the mistake of getting so excited with this new type of training that they forget to approach it in a structured and well thought-through manner.
The ebook is online for Windows and Mac users, and can also be downloaded to iPads and Android tablets.

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